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Free science resources to help you

September is coming, and with it, a new term. So whether you are doing A levels, GCSEs or being home educated, here are some resources to help you along. All free!

All A level and GCSE sciences

Physics and Maths Tutor - A website that has grown beyond its name, Physics and Maths tutor has huge amounts of exam questions grouped by topic along with their mark schemes. They also have printable notes. These cover all kinds of topics, including chemistry, biology and psychology in addition to physics and maths.

A level chemistry

Chemguide - A hugely informative and clearly written website covering A level chemistry for all specifications. Perfect for when you want to elaborate on a topic.

A level physics

Science Shorts - a YouTube channel with great videos covering A level physics. The owner also does a live question and answer session the night before the A level exams, which is hugely helpful.

GCSE science

Free Science Lessons - a YouTube channel that does exactly what it says on the tin. The owner has 3-5 minute long videos on each part of the AQA GCSE science specification.

Home ed science

Home School Lesson Plans - A great website linking to many free resources for all kinds of subjects.

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